Home | Mitglieder | Center for Microtechnologies

Center for Microtechnologies

Company type

Research institution

Target markets

Electronics·Life science·Machinery and Equipment


Research & Development


Aerospace·Applications·Colleges / Universities·Communication·Electronic·Medical Technology / Pharma·MEMS·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Rail / Automotive·Semiconductor Industry·Smart Systems



Reichenhainer StraĂźe 70
09126 Chemnitz
0371 / 531 24060

Contact Person

Prof. Dr. Harald Kuhn
0371 531 33009
Direktor des ZfM, Professor fĂĽr Smart Systems Integration

About this member

The Center for Microtechnologies is a scientific research unit of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at Chemnitz University of Technology. It is a reliable partner in basic research, R&D projects and direct research and development contracts for industry. The current focus of our research fields is on:

  • 1D/2D Nanodevices
  •  MEMS Technologies and Devices
  • Advanced Micro and Nano Patterning
  • Spintronics and Interconnect Systems
  • Simulations in Nano Technology
  • Molecular-based micro and nano systems
  • Photonics/MOEMS
  • Nano-Packaging
  • Miniaturized plasma systems
  • Digital Twins in Semiconductor Production

The Center for Microtechnologies has clean rooms with an area of about 1000 m2 (300 m2 of which are clean room class ISO 4) and the corresponding equipment for processing and characterization of wafers with diameters of 100 mm, 150mm and 200mm. A modern and extensive infrastructure with industry-related processes enables smallest structure dimensions down to 20 nm for nanostructuring.


  • Development of material, technology and functional demonstrators
  • Manufacturing of prototypes and small series
  • Technology transfer to customers or foundries
  • Education of students and PhD students

Micro and Nano technologies for MEMS/NEMS

The Center for Microtechnologies of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering/Information Technology at TU Chemnitz works on the technology development of MEMS, MOEMS and NEMS. It works closely with Fraunhofer ENAS to jointly realize complex process chains. The individual processes as well as the technology sequences are continuously developed and adapted to new requirements.

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