Home | Mitglieder | VOR Agentur für strategische Entwicklung und Kommunikation GmbH

VOR Agentur für strategische Entwicklung und Kommunikation GmbH

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Infrastructure·Life science·Logistics·Machinery and Equipment·Mobility·Services


Management Consulting·Software·Technology·Technology Users


Communication·other·Public Relations



Schandauer Straße 34
01309 Dresden
+49 351 27230370

Contact Person

Peter Pfau
+49 351 27230370
Geschäftsführung / Strategie / Coaching
 Peter Pfau

About this member

We are the engine for the next level of companies and organizations.

More effective processes, sharper market positioning,
more effective communication, activated managers & employees.

We unite two worlds for these transformations:
entrepreneurial consulting and
creative communication.

/////////////////////////// For SMEs and corporations:

As pragmatists and partners, we guide and support our clients in focusing or realigning their own company, their own positioning, their own portfolio and the appropriate agile communication.

Our clients benefit in particular from the experience of our own change processes and those we have already successfully implemented for SMEs and corporations.

The strategic processes we develop create clarity within the company about the few necessary areas of action that will really move the company forward as a whole.
At the same time, they ensure that employees are involved and therefore goal-oriented and motivated.

The often underestimated second part - the visible and tangible translation of the mission, vision and the necessary implementation processes - is developed from this strategic basis in co-creation with the client.

The result:
Long-term orientation, clear allocation of roles, uncomplicated strategies and clear-cut positioning, including the necessary agile sprints for rapid implementation in day-to-day business. With tasks for every employee.

In addition, the precise communicative translation of the company and products into unmistakable brand presences, sharp product positioning and effective cross-media campaigns

= the next stage in the development of your institution/company.

///////////////////////// For clients from the retail, brand store and interior sectors:

With VOR HOCH DREI (a special unit of VOR), which develops exceptionally brand-affine as well as functional, aesthetic, brand-building and thus sales-promoting brand store designs from clear brand positioning.

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