Home | Mitglieder | vitec – Viessmann Technologies GmbH (Reinraumtechnik)

vitec – Viessmann Technologies GmbH (Reinraumtechnik)

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Life science


Architecture & engineering


Aerospace·Cleanroom Construction·Cleanroom planning·Electronic·Environmental Technoloy·Equipment·Facilities·Medical Technology / Pharma·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Rail / Automotive·Reinraumschleuseneinrichtungen·Semiconductor Industry



LudwigstraĂźe 12
95028 Hof

Contact Person

Christian Fleuren
+49 172 6011104
Senior Sales Manager
 Christian Fleuren

About this member

Viessmann Technologies

Part of the Viessmann Group

Clean rooms ensure air purity and control of all physical parameters.

Manufacturing facilities for chip and wafer production require the highest level of air purity and control of all physical parameters within very tight tolerances. The integration of the entire process equipment, taking into account different manufacturing technologies, places the highest demands on the flexibility and integration capability of the room components. In addition to the proven cleanroom products, Viessmann Technologies offers a complete range of active airlocks for the flow of personnel and materials.

Thanks to our many years of international experience in the cleanroom sector, we can offer you sound advice and intensive support in all project phases. An experienced and competent team is at your disposal. From planning to handover.

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