Home | Mitglieder | uv-technik Speziallampen GmbH

uv-technik Speziallampen GmbH

Company type

Medium-sized companies (<250 employees or <50 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Machinery and Equipment


Machinery & Equipment·Materials·Production





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About this member

uv-technik Speziallampen GmbH develops, manufactures and sells UV low-pressure and medium-pressure lamps, electronic ballasts, UV sensors, immersion lamp and immersion tube systems, UV measurement technology, system controls, infrared lamps and the appropriate accessories.

All our products are customized to meet individual customer requirements. They are therefore used in complex ballast water systems, in drinking water treatment, in municipal waste water systems or fish farm circuits. Their use in ultrapure water systems for TOC reduction and swimming pool technology has been established for years.

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