Home | Mitglieder | THK GmbH


Company type

Target markets

Linear Motion System


Micro- / Nanoelektronics


Aerospace·Biotechnology·Electronic·Environmental Technoloy·Equipment·Linear Motion System·Materials·Medical Technology / Pharma·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Photovoltaics·Rail / Automotive·Semiconductor Industry



Kaiserswerther StraĂźe 115
40880 Ratingen
+49 152 5674 1116

Contact Person

Heiko Vogel
+49 210 274 257 22
Sales Manager DUS

About this member

THK was the first company in the world to create and market the linear guide (LM Guide) in 1972. The new linear guides enable significant improvements in terms of accuracy and labor savings in mechatronic machines and systems.
Today, THK is the world’s leading supplier of linear guides with a broad product portfolio for a wide variety of applications.

With linear guides from THK, machine tools and industrial robots could be developed for ultra-precise processes, e.g. Devices for semiconductor manufacturing, which work in the submicron range.

In the recent past, linear guide systems have been used in LCD production, in medical devices, in railway technology, but also as earthquake protection in skyscrapers and residential buildings.
The use of linear guides has now been expanded beyond all previous application limits.

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