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SYSTEMA Systementwicklung

Company type

Medium-sized companies (<250 employees or <50 million annual turnover)

Target markets





3rd party applications)·Aerospace·AMHS·Automation·CIM·Communication·Computers·Custom / Individual software·Electronic·Equipment·ERP·Feinplanung/ Leitstand·Integration·Integration (Equipment·IT automation·IT Systems·MATLAB·Medical Technology / Pharma·MES·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·OPC·Photovoltaics·Rail / Automotive·SECS/GEM·Semiconductor Industry·Smart Systems·Software·SPC/APC·System Integration


About this member


Automation IT Solutions and Services for the High Tech Industries

SYSTEMA is a leading solutions provider for the manufacturing industries. 140 Experts in the USA and Germany are working to boost business fundamentals with the passion of engineers.

20 years of expertise for automation IT consulting, deployment and support in shop floor environments have shaped our tacit knowledge of the industry and its mentality.

SYSTEMA: from promise to realization – truly professional:

  • Analyze and document business requirements and opportunities
  • Single out “best of breed” software products and technologies
  • Design and implement platform-independent, flexible, efficient and cost-effective solutions
  • Equipment integration with SYSTEMA EI Suite (SECS, Semi PV02, XML, S7, OPC…)
  • Integration of all systems from the equipment via the MES to the ERP
  • MES benchmarking, implementation, extension and migration
  • Harmonize business processes through skillful application architecture and design
  • Safeguard the introduction, training, rollout, maintenance, upgrade and migration processes

Our promise:
Providing the best solution for manufacturing automation at the highest level of innovation – reliable and professional.

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