Home | Mitglieder | Stadt Chemnitz

Stadt Chemnitz

Company type

Public authority

Target markets

Infrastructure·Mobility·Public Sector·Services


Management Consulting


Business Development·Country/Commune·other


About this member

Chemnitz is the center of a successful industrial region rich in tradition. The backbone of our success is the passion, ideas and inventive spirit of those who live and work here.  WE - these are world-class engineers and inventors: machines, vehicles, microelectronics, sensors, intelligent textiles, new materials, software for automated driving - around nine billion euros of added value are supported by high-quality products, intelligent services and a large pinch of Saxon serenity. Our 18,500 industrial and craft businesses are the backbone of our economy. They get down to business, go their own way, dare to try new things and live the spirit of invention.

Chemnitz is an industrial and technology city, a national hydrogen technology center and will be the European Capital of Culture in 2025. The positive spirit of optimism can be clearly felt in the city. Your investment is worthwhile here! And we are happy to support you with a comprehensive service and are the first point of contact for companies in Chemnitz. Our goal is sustainable growth for the city. To this end, we work as an actor and initiate projects in the best interests of Chemnitz companies and in line with our mission: Chemnitz - simply - faster - make.

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