Home | Mitglieder | SEMPA SYSTEMS GmbH


Company type

Medium-sized companies (<250 employees or <50 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Energy·Machinery and Equipment·Water and Environment


Machinery & Equipment·Production


Environmental Technoloy·Equipment·Facilities·Gas and Chemical Cabinets·High Purity Gase Supply·High Purity Media Supply·Installation·Maintenance and service of its own systems and external systems·Medical Technology / Pharma·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Process Equipment·Projecting·Rail / Automotive·Semiconductor Industry



GrenzstraĂźe 13
01109 Dresden
0351 / 88810-0

Contact Person

Daniel Schlamm
+49 351 88810-0

About this member

The SEMPA expertise

Gas and chemical supply systems for every application

The Dresden-based company SEMPA SYSTEMS GmbH was founded in 2001 and has since established itself as an experienced provider of ultra-pure media supply systems, even for very special applications. Customers include large companies in the semiconductor and LED industry as well as representatives of the photovoltaic and pharmaceutical sectors. More than 160 employees work at the sites in Dresden (headquarters) and Hermsdorf (Thuringia).

Since November 1, 2021, SEMPA has been part of the global Meptagon Group, a multidisciplinary company with offices in Ireland, Central Europe, Israel and India. The merger opens up a significantly expanded product portfolio for customers, ranging from high-end supply systems and state-of-the-art planning and engineering services to multidisciplinary fab infrastructure solutions.

SEMPA SYSTEMS GmbH develops, builds and sells ultrapure media systems and turn-key solutions. With our locations in Dresden, Hermsdorf and Saint Petersburg, as well as in cooperation with partners in Asia, we’re operating worldwide. Currently, our team comprises of more than 60 professionals in the fields of equipment manufacturing, photovoltaics and semiconductor, energy systems, pharmaceutical and glass fiber, automotive, biotechnology, as well as institutes and universities. Not only art and culture of the past centuries, but also Dresden’s long history as an innovation and production location in the heart of Europe, as well as the existing infrastructure and good transport connections offer ideal conditions for working as a high-tech company.

From development and design to commissioning, plant operation and service, we offer complete solutions for bulk and specialty gas supply systems, stainless steel chemical supplies, process vacuum and exhaust systems to our customers. Our challenge is recognizing and reliably realizing the tasks and expectations of our customers. Developing solutions for tomorrow today is one of our most important corporate principles. In addition, the organization of our business processes according to ISO 9001: 2008 is of additional use to us. We stand for:

  • Monitoring and supply systems for high-purity and specialty gases as well as pure chemicals
  • Gas and chemical cabinets VMB
  • Complete solutions for precursor chemicals
  • Process vacuum systems
  • Process-controlled automatic systems
  • Customized solutions for dosing high-purity media
  • Process visualizations and process control systems
  • Gas detection
  • Gas and media systems for process equipment manufacturers
  • Laboratory, test and calibration gas supplies
  • Evaporation, dosing and mixing of liquids and gases
  • Systems for pharmacy and biotechnology
  • Service

Our employees are available for you as fair, flexible and reliable partners. Don’t hesitate to contact us, we will competently advise you.

Pure media supply systems worldwide – Made in Germany

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