Home | Mitglieder | Rudolf Gutbrod GmbH

Rudolf Gutbrod GmbH

Company type

Medium-sized companies (<250 employees or <50 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Infrastructure·Life science·Machinery and Equipment·Mobility


Machinery & Equipment·Materials·Research & Development·Technology


Battery·Hydrogen·Semiconductor·Surface Coating



Im Schwöllbogen 10
72581 Dettingen / Erms
+49 7123 / 97 35-38

Contact Person

Magdalena Essig
+49 7123 9735-38

About this member

Rudolf Gutbrod GmbH is a medium-sized family business based in southern Germany and has been coating/lining a wide variety of components for the semiconductor market, the chip industry, battery production, ultrapure water technology and hydrogen technology with high-quality fluoropolymers for decades. Our coatings/linings serve as chemical protection, contamination protection and insulators and are used around the globe.

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