Home | Mitglieder | Rolls-Royce Solutions GmbH

Rolls-Royce Solutions GmbH

Company type

Large companies (>250 employees or >50 million annual sales)

Target markets

Electronics·Infrastructure·Life science·Machinery and Equipment·Mobility·Textile


Machinery & Equipment·Research & Development·Technology


Equipment·Reneweable Energies


About this member

 Rolls-Royce offers first-class drive and energy solutions as well as service solutions across the entire life cycle under its mtu product and solution brand. With the help of digitalization and electrification, we are developing even cleaner and smarter drive and power generation solutions. They are the answers to the rapidly growing social demands on energy and mobility.  

We supply and maintain comprehensive, powerful and reliable systems based on gas and diesel engines as well as electrified hybrid systems. These clean and technologically advanced solutions serve our customers worldwide in the marine and infrastructure sectors.  The Rolls-Royce Power Systems division is headquartered in Friedrichshafen, Germany.

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