Home | Mitglieder | RIKEN KEIKI GmbH


Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Energy·Life science·Machinery and Equipment·Water and Environment


Technology·Upstream Industry


gas measuring devices



Mergenthalerallee 15-21
65760 Eschborn
+49 6196 7777 680

Contact Person

About this member


a company based on the firm principle that both customers and distributors in Germany deserve a reliable partner for gas detection devices, highly developed gas warning systems and solutions for specific gas monitoring applications.

Riken Keiki offers you over a hundred different products in the field of gas detection and environmental measurement.

While we are constantly advancing our research and improving the quality and technical capabilities of our products, the technologies that have been established over our long history are also constantly being refined and developed. Riken Keiki's devices are designed and manufactured to meet a wide range of industrial requirements and applications. Our customers can rely on them to quickly and accurately detect and prevent potential disasters.

The development of new products includes the continuous optimization and improvement of existing products, as well as active collaboration with our customers.


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