Home | Mitglieder | Reasunta Technology GmbH

Reasunta Technology GmbH

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Machinery and Equipment·Services


Management Consulting·Research & Development·Software


IT Experts·R&D Experts



Gostritzer Str. 61
01217 Dresden
+49 351 871 8160

Contact Person

Frantisek Mareth
+49 (0) 15776374402
Leiter Vertrieb und Beratung
 Frantisek Mareth

About this member

Reasunta Technology is an R&D consulting company with a focus on delivery. Our niche expertise lies in IT and digital R&D, be it in automotive, engineering, banking, or e-commerce.

Reasunta provides unique, tailored solutions and consulting services for R&D centers, especially when:

  • High-caliber R&D experts are needed for delivery
  • Establishing R&D centers from scratch
  • Relocating entire R&D teams to multiple locations

Our expertise

Built on extensive know-how gained over 15 years in the markets of WE, CEE, EE, and GUS. We've provided expertise to local players and global industry leaders, often spanning multiple time zones.

Recognizing the urgent need for digitalization in today's industry, we help make cities smarter, banking safer, and customer experiences richer.

Aspiring to be a significant player in the global R&D market, Reasunta Technology aims to deliver and share the best know-how from around the world.

We offer both infrastructure and personnel for R&D centers, whether it's automotive, engineering, or e-commerce.

Key areas of expertise:

  • Low-level / Embedded development
  • High-load system development
  • Data acquisition, analysis, interpretation, and visualization for automotive and telematics.

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