Home | Mitglieder | PEER Group GmbH

PEER Group GmbH

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets





Automation·Custom / Individual software·Electronic·Equipment·Equipment Controlling·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Rail / Automotive·Semiconductor Industry·Software·System Integration



Hermann-Reichelt-Str. 3-3a 3-3a
01109 Dresden

Contact Person

Dr. Michael Arnold
0351 21390 99
Managing Director

About this member


PEER Group Office in Dresden

Products and Services:

PEER Group is an independent Systems Integrator globally serving the Semiconductor industry, Photovoltaic industry and other High-tech industries. Our offices are located in Germany and Canada. Our business focuses on software engineering and consulting services. As a product-independent systems integrator we specify, develop, implement and maintain automation solutions in the production environment.

In addition, we provide Automation Consulting Services (ACS), an automation consulting and testing service that is tailored to the specific requirements of both the IC makers and the equipment suppliers. PEER Group’s DiDaCT software is instrumental in efficiently testing automation interfaces of Semiconductor and PV equipment.

In Semiconductor industry, our customers include front-end and back-end fabs of leading European, North American, and Asian chipmakers.

Activities of PEER Group GmbH are especially focused on

  • Software design and architecture
  • Solution development
  • Support and maintenance
  • Automation testing
  • Automation consultation

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