Home | Mitglieder | Panacol-Elosol GmbH

Panacol-Elosol GmbH

Company type

Large companies (>250 employees or >50 million annual sales)

Target markets





Aerospace·Computers·Electronic·Industrieklebstoffe (en)·Materials·Medical Technology / Pharma·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·other·Photovoltaics·Rail / Automotive·Semiconductor Industry



Stierstädter Straße 4
61449 Steinbach / Taunus
+49 6171 6202 0

Contact Person

Marko Reichelt
0151-550 655 80
Technischer Vertrieb, Key-Account-Manager

About this member

Panacol-Elosol GmbH is an internationally active producer and supplier of industrial adhesives. Panacol's product spectrum ranges from UV adhesives and structural adhesives to electrically and thermally conductive adhesives for a wide variety of applications. Innovative, customized quality adhesives of the highest standard are developed in the in-house research department using the latest equipment technology and tested and manufactured at the company's own production sites in Steinbach/Germany and the USA.

With subsidiaries in France, USA, China and Korea and distributors in many other countries, Panacol offers customer-oriented solutions and competent adhesive advice worldwide. The company supplies customers in the automotive and aircraft industries, the optics, electronics and consumer electronics sectors, as well as manufacturers of luxury packaging, household appliances, medical technology and medical products.

Panacol-Elosol GmbH was founded in 1978 in Frankfurt as a German subsidiary of the Swiss Panacol AG. Since 2008, Panacol has been part of Munich-based Dr. Hönle AG, one of the world's leading suppliers of industrial UV technology. As a member of the Hönle Group, Panacol is a reliable system provider from bonding to curing of adhesives. Find out more about us at www.panacol.de

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