Home | Mitglieder | MK Versuchsanlagen und Laborbedarf e. K.

MK Versuchsanlagen und Laborbedarf e. K.

Company type

Medium-sized companies (<250 employees or <50 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Life science·Machinery and Equipment·Services


Machinery & Equipment·Research & Development


Biotechnology·Cleanroom Construction·Equipment·Facilities·Materials·Medical Technology / Pharma·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Semiconductor Industry·Software


About this member

MK Versuchsanlagen und Laborbedarf e.K. is a family business with currently around 190 employees, which is active on the international market. The company designs and manufactures customized laboratory systems and laboratory equipment made of modern plastics and other materials. The main customers in this segment are leading international companies in the live science and pharmaceutical industries as well as various departments of technical colleges and universities.

MK Versuchsanlagen also designs and produces measuring and testing equipment used in work areas with filling systems and isolators. MK Versuchsanlagen develops customized software systems or individual software components for all of its products as part of Industrial Automation 4.0. Based on many years of product leadership, MK Versuchsanlagen's customer base includes leading pharmaceutical companies worldwide.

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