Home | Mitglieder | mi2-factory GmbH

mi2-factory GmbH

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets





Dotierung von Halbleitern·Electronic·Equipment·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Photovoltaics·Process service·Semiconductor Industry



Moritz-von-Rohr-Straße 1A
07745 Jena

Contact Person

Benjamin Tom
+49 3641 2719321

About this member

mi2-factory GmbH sells a novel, in-house developed process technology: Energy-Filtered Ion Implantation (EFII©) in combination with the production machine EFITRON©. Microchip producers buy EFII© for cost saving, performance increase and design innovation in semiconductor power device manufacturing for chips that are applied in the fields: Electro Mobility, Photovoltaic, Wind Power, Traction, Industrial Drives and Grid.

EFII© is as a production tool, which is specifically tailored for every customer application. The technology is used for processing of wafers, which is the basic material of microchips.

For specific silicon carbide (SiC) power devices a cost-reduction of up to 50% per wafer is achievable. EFII© enables completely new chip designs for SiC.
mi2-factory GmbH offers a high-precision, flexible, cost-competitive microchip-based solution for SiC doping issues in high volume wafer production. EFII© results in high levels of doping accuracy across SiC wafers and from wafer to wafer. EFII© is worldwide unique with no easy alternative visible.

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