Home | Mitglieder | Metirionic GmbH

Metirionic GmbH

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Infrastructure·Logistics·Machinery and Equipment·Mobility


Software·Technology·Technology Users


Custom / Individual software·Software



Strehlener StraĂźe 12-14
01069 Dresden
0351 873229-0

Contact Person

Dr. Attila Römer

About this member

The combination of sensor networks and wireless technology creates new foundations for many areas of application. We have been developing new technologies for many years.

Our customers' success is our success. We work with them to enable new functions that provide a competitive advantage over the current state of the art.

In an alliance with our silicon partners, we offer new features adapted to the requirements of your applications. From the idea to the feasibility study to the complete development process - we are there whenever you need us.

Our team makes the difference. Our team members from Europe, Asia and America form a unique environment in which enthusiasm for the profession is combined with individual technical skills. We see our profession as an exciting part of our lives.

History and name

For almost a decade, Metirionic has had a long history of marketing, research and development of wireless systems from the ground up. Based in Dresden, Germany, we have been responsible for designing and managing complex development programs across multiple cultures and continents and have successfully launched products in the global market. Now we are looking for another adventure introducing radar technology into wireless sensor networks in combination with Bluetooth® Low Energy and IEEE 802.15.4 data communication.

We are focusing on wireless distance measurement and have therefore decided to call our company “Metirionic”. The name is a combination of the Greek words for “distance” and “measure”. That is why the name is spelled Metirionic (not Metrionic).

Metirionic is a start-up company located in Dresden Germany with focus on the emerging market of the Internet of Thinks. We develop and commercialize software and offer engineering services allowing a new quality of distance measurement between autonomous radio modules, based on wireless technologies such as IEEE 802.15.4, ZigBee or 6LoWPAN. Metirionic assists its customers from feasibility analysis through design & development of new applications, to the deployment of complete systems.

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