Home | Mitglieder | Melexis Dresden GmbH

Melexis Dresden GmbH

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Machinery and Equipment·Mobility


Production·Research & Development


Applications·Communication·Computers·Electronic·Embedded Lighting·Embedded motor driver ICs·Inductive position sensor ICs·LED driver ICs·Magnetic position sensor ICs·Medical Technology / Pharma·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Optical sensor ICs·Pressure sensor ICs·Rail / Automotive·Semiconductor Industry·smart motor driver ICs·System- and IC-Design·Temperature sensor ICs



Zur Wetterwarte 50 Haus 337 A
01109 Dresden
+49 351 501 933 03

Contact Person

Jeannette Zarbock

About this member

Melexis is one of the world's leading manufacturers of semiconductor sensors for the automotive industry. Today, every new car produced worldwide contains an average of 18 Melexis chips. Melexis uses its expertise in the development of ICs for automotive electronics to expand its range of sensors and driver ICs to meet the needs of smart devices, home automation, industrial and medical applications.

Since the company was founded in Belgium more than 30 years ago, Melexis has grown to over 2,000 employees in 19 locations on three different continents, all committed to realizing the best possible future. They recently generated annual sales of around 836 million euros. The company is listed on Euronext Brussels (MELE) and is one of the three largest suppliers of semiconductor sensors in the world.

The approximately 30 employees at the Dresden site research and develop inductive and magnetic position and rotation sensors in particular. They contribute their expertise in the areas of IC development, product verification of prototypes and final test development and optimization. In Silicon Saxony, the company is developing into an innovation driver for the latest generation of sensors. Opened in 2016, Melexis Dresden GmbH is one of the younger and medium-sized locations within the expanding Melexis Group.

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