Company type
LSA | Automation
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09429 Wolkenstein
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About this member
Automation & quality assurance
High-performance solutions and future-proof concepts for the flexible and efficient production of tomorrow
For 35 years, LSA has been developing individual automation solutions and concepts for automated quality assurance and implementing demanding and development-intensive automation tasks at an uncompromisingly high level.
The process developers in the innovation sectors
microelectronics, MEMS, precision optics, pharmaceuticals, biotech, etc.
The inventive spirit of the Ore Mountains is reflected in the outstanding expertise in process and procedure development.
Production & assembly automation | measurement & test automation
Core competencies and passion
As a valued partner for the process and manufacturing industry and a reliable system and full-service provider, LSA supports its customers from the initial idea through to full implementation - guaranteeing outstanding project management.
In addition to our core competence, the development of future-proof systems and high-speed and efficient automation solutions for highly specialized tasks in complex manufacturing and assembly processes, we have developed a particular passion for the development and implementation of flexible solutions for automated quality assurance and process control - precise systems from highly integrative inline testing to EOL test benches.
Innovative motion & positioning solutions
Sophisticated motion automation in vacuum & cleanroom
In addition to cleanroom-qualified automation for clean process and handling solutions in sensitive production sectors, LSA has outstanding expertise and a high level of research and development in the field of vacuum-specific motion and positioning systems and is an immensely important partner for vacuum technology machine and plant engineering.
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Individuelle Bewegungs- & Positioniersysteme fĂĽr den Einsatz in Reinraum und hohen Vakua
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