Home | Mitglieder | Linxens Germany GmbH

Linxens Germany GmbH

Company type

Medium-sized companies (<250 employees or <50 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Infrastructure·Life science·Logistics·Machinery and Equipment·Mobility·Public Sector


Materials·Upstream Industry


Application·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Semiconductor Industry



Manfred-von-Ardenne-Ring 12
01099 Dresden
+49 351 889 60 10

Contact Person

Doreen Holland-Moritz

About this member

Paving the way for a better life.

In a digital world where the present and future revolve around connectivity, we use our technological expertise to ensure the best possible connectivity and thus help shape a future that is not only technologically, but also socially and environmentally responsible. Our solutions make people's lives easier, richer and safer.

At the forefront of major technological disruptions

For 40 years, Linxens has been a global player in the electronics industry, providing innovative, customized solutions for the most demanding technical specifications in connectivity, tracking and authentication to enable seamless end-user experiences.
Linxens is the preferred supplier of many global technology pioneers shaping markets in telecommunications, transportation, hospitality, leisure and entertainment, financial services, e-government, access control, healthcare and the Internet of Things (IoT).

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