Home | Mitglieder | Leybold Dresden GmbH – Part of the Atlas Copco Group

Leybold Dresden GmbH – Part of the Atlas Copco Group

Company type

Medium-sized companies (<250 employees or <50 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Machinery and Equipment·Services


Machinery & Equipment·Production·Technology


Applications·Equipment·other·Process Equipment·Surface Coating·Vacuum Systems



Zur Wetterwarte 50 / Haus 304
01109 Dresden
Personalabteilung: +49 351 88 550 42

Contact Person

Janett Schnabel
Personalabteilung: +49 351 88 55 042
HR Managerin / People & Culture
 Janett Schnabel

About this member

Passionate people create exceptional things!

The mechanical engineering company Leybold GmbH, part of the Swedish Atlas Copco Group, is one of the world's leading suppliers of systems for vacuum generation, process gas conveyance and the manufacture of vacuum components for modern applications in production and analysis processes as well as for research and development purposes. Numerous everyday goods such as lamps, displays, computers and food packaging require the use of vacuum technology.
The Atlas Copco Group stands for innovation, interaction and commitment. In addition to a comprehensive learning culture, a family atmosphere and significant social commitment, the Group is strongly committed to the environment. The Atlas Copco Group's sustainable approach also defines our vision and strategy. With over 17,000 training courses, our learning platform offers a wide range of training courses to improve technical know-how and systematically expand skills.

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