Home | Mitglieder | Lagerwerk GmbH

Lagerwerk GmbH

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Machinery and Equipment·Trade and Sales


Machinery & Equipment


Automation·Industrial Assets·Industrial Auctions·Machinery & Plant Engineering·Spare Parts



Heilbronner StraĂźe 22
01189 Dresden
+49 351 4541 2533

Contact Person

CEO Maik Wehner
0351 454 125 33
CEO Maik Wehner

About this member

Lagerwerk - We liquidate industrial assets in the most sustainable way.

We specialise in buying and selling industrial assets from large companies that, for example, have older production facilities or machinery or want to liquidate their obsolete spare parts. We can help you to sustainably reduce your ecological footprint by responsibly dismantling industrial plants and returning the individual components to the economic cycle. You can use the proceeds to invest in new technologies, for example, and expand your business.

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