Home | Mitglieder | Kretz + Wahl Gebäudetechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Kretz + Wahl Gebäudetechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Company type

Medium-sized companies (<250 employees or <50 million annual turnover)

Target markets



Machinery & Equipment·Technology Users


Aerospace·Battery·Biopharm·Clean room planning·Cleanroom·Cleanroom Service·Cleanroom-Cabin·Cleanroom-Qualification·design and building of cleanrooms·Electronics·Equipment·Installation·Life Science·Medical·Microelectronics·nanoelectronics·Pharma·Photovoltaic·Technical building services



Ruhberg 12
35463 Fernwald-Steinbach
+49 6404 805-0

Contact Person

Karl-Heinz Lotz
+49 6404 805-217
Leitung BU Reinraum / Prokurist
 Karl-Heinz Lotz

About this member

Successful on the market since 1979

Founded by graduate engineers Franz Kretz and Hans-Bernd Wahl in 1979, Kretz + Wahl Gebäudetechnik GmbH & Co KG has since developed into a successful medium-sized company in the field of ventilation and air-conditioning technology. Consulting, planning and construction of refrigeration, air conditioning and ventilation systems, supplemented by an individual maintenance and installation service by the company Kretz + Wahl Service GmbH & Co KG, these are now our strengths.

The foundations of high quality, reliability and the creation of flexible solutions are still our driving force for the continuous development of the company. Our company structure ensures short decision-making paths and thus maximum flexibility in daily operations with the aim of offering optimal and individual solutions for environmentally friendly and energy-efficient ventilation and air-conditioning technology.

We support our customers in all project phases, from planning to system maintenance. Many years of experience, the qualification of our employees and the continuous development of our skills make us a strong partner. A trusting, long-term cooperation with our employees, customers and suppliers is particularly important to us.

Our field of activity covers a wide range. Our areas of responsibility include the air conditioning of office and administration buildings, ventilation systems for gymnasiums and schools, clean room systems, air conditioning laboratory equipment and air conditioning technology in the IT environment. In addition to the construction of cost-effective new systems, our range of services also includes system retrofits and the refurbishment of existing systems.

Our services
  • Expert advice and planning by experienced engineers
  • Plant construction
  • Energy recovery
  • Energy-efficient refurbishment
  • Revitalization
  • VDI 6022 initial inspections

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