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iSAX GmbH & Co. KG

Company type

Medium-sized companies (<250 employees or <50 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Life science·Machinery and Equipment




Applications·Automation·Communication·Computers·Custom / Individual software·Development·innovation·IT Beratung·IT-Lösungen·Medical Technology / Pharma·optimisation·other·process·process optimisation·Rail / Automotive·Semiconductor Industry·Software·software test·softwaredevelopment·System Integration·system test·usability



WeinbergstraĂźe 15
01129 Dresden

Contact Person

Christin Senftleben
 Christin Senftleben

About this member

iSAX is a specialized provider of integrated Industry 4.0 solutions in manufacturing with a focus on Industrial IoT. More than 20 years of deep experience in process automation, data integration, system architecture and implementation make us a strong partner in discrete manufacturing and process industries.

We use our development and solution expertise to optimize our customers' production and business processes. Focuses are
the improvement of information flows from the shopfloor to the topfloor the automation of material flows
increasing the productivity of manual activities by means of a worker guidance system intelligent networking of company processes.

iSAX offers holistic competence from technology-open consulting to the development of customized applications. For manufacturing companies, we develop industry-specific solutions based on various IoT platforms (e.g. ThingWorx from PTC or AWS) as well as customized solutions.

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