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interface systems gmbh
Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)
Target markets
Electronics·Energy·Infrastructure·Life science·Public Sector·Services·Water and Environment
Backup / Archivierung·Cloud Computing (en)·Communication·Computers·Database Technology·Managed Services·Security·Semiconductor Industry·Server (en)·Software·Storage (en)·System house·Virtualisierung

ZwinglistraĂźe 11-13
01277 Dresden
01277 Dresden
0351 / 31 80 90
Contact Person

About this member
interface systems: Your reliable IT system house in Dresden and Berlin
Everything we do is deeply rooted in IT. Nowadays, IT is playing an increasingly important role for more and more people and companies. In this context, we speak of a digital transformation. The constant development of digital technologies is having a lasting impact on our economy and society. What is behind this and what role do we play in the digital transformation?
What do we do?
- Design and implementation of manufacturer-independent complex information systems
- Check your IT infrastructure thoroughly as your IT partner
- Uncover possible optimization potentials and derive possible optimization measures
Why should you work with us?
- We always work in the interests of our customers and implement individual wishes
- We have an extensive IT portfolio, a lot of know-how and expertise
- We accompany our customers from the beginning, during and beyond the end