Home | Mitglieder | Integrated Dynamics Engineering GmbH

Integrated Dynamics Engineering GmbH

Company type

Medium-sized companies (<250 employees or <50 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Life science


Machinery & Equipment


Equipment·Medical Technology / Pharma·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Semiconductor Industry



HermannstraĂźe 9-13
65479 Raunheim
+49 6142 9400-0

Contact Person

Thomas Breser
+49 6142 9400 0

About this member

Integrated Dynamics Engineering was founded in 1990 in Flörsheim, Germany,  by Peter Heiland, technical engineer and president, who directed and expanded
IDE until 2007.

Today, Integrated Dynamics Engineering is organized collectively as The IDE Group and includes IDE GmbH in Raunheim, a suburb of Frankfurt, Germany; IDE Inc. in Randolph near Boston, MA, in the United States; and IDE Ltd. in Tokyo, Japan - with representatives for sales and service worldwide.

In 2008, the IDE became part of the Aalberts Industries N.V. Group, Langbroek, The Netherlands, a world leader in complex high precision industrial components.

  • More than 20 Years of Global Leadership in Developing, Manufacturing and Installing a highly selective array of Environmental Controls and Material Handling Systems.
  • Providing Innovative Technical Solutions to Semiconductor Manufacturers, Universities, Government Laboratories, engineers, researchers, microscopists, scientists and other prestigious clients.
  • Now more than 12,000 IDE isolation modules and environmental control systems are installed and operating worldwide.
  • IDE focuses on supporting semiconductor fabs with material handling systems and robots, along with active/passive vibration isolation modules, EMI cancellation systems, acoustic isolation systems and acoustic enclosures for researchers and more.

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