Home | Mitglieder | INTEGA GmbH


Company type

Target markets

Automation·Chemical Systems·Gas Mixing Systems·High Purity Media Supply·High Purity Water Technology


Micro- / Nanoelektronics


Automation·Chemical Systems·Computers·Equipment·Gas Mixing Systems·High Purity Media Supply·High Purity Water Technology·Materials·Medical Technology / Pharma·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Process service·Semiconductor Industry



Bergener Ring 51
01458 Ottendorf-Okrilla
+49 35205 / 4370

Contact Person

Clemens Nittel

About this member

Products and Services:
Founded in Munich in 1946 as a small locksmith company, today has developed to the Expert of pure media installations. As one of the leading companies we are at the top of the market. This is also a result of a consistently high quality standard and absolut precision in all fields of performance. Especially in the field of high purity media systems and vacuum, chemical and high purity pressurized air systems.
Intega provides an expertise which has grown over decades, not only in Germany. We take care of more than 100 key accounts in six locations. Key industries are semiconductor industries, but in recent years automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical and foodstuffs industries as well as the R&D departments of universities and institutes are getting more significant relative to turnover.

In addition to standards such as semi, GMP, and FDA, we guarentee to recognised high level of quality certifications that only a market leader can provide in this quantity:
– DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2000/ – DIN EN 729 ? 2/ – AD-2000 data sheet HP 0 and HP 100 R/ – WHG § 19/ – DVGW TRGI

Scope of services:

  • Research & Development
  • Construction management
  • Automation
  • Testing
  • Commissioning
  • Maintenance


  • piping systems
  • gas cabinets
  • gas mixing systems
  • gas distribution systems
  • high purity water systems
  • chemical supply systems
  • pharmaceutical and bio industries.

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