Home | Mitglieder | InnoLas Semiconductor GmbH

InnoLas Semiconductor GmbH

Company type

Medium-sized companies (<250 employees or <50 million annual turnover)

Target markets





Equipment·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Semiconductor Industry



Neubruch 2
82266 Inning
+49 (8143) 24195 -201

Contact Person

Alexander Hofmann
+49 (8143) 24195 -201
Vertrieb / Sales

About this member

High quality wafer marking & wafer sorting systems for the semiconductor industry

InnoLas Semiconductor GmbH is a medium-sized company based in Germany that specializes in high-quality wafer marking and wafer sorting solutions for customers in the semiconductor industry. For over 25 years it has been our core business to develop and manufacture customized solutions.

For all machines in our portfolio, we place the highest value on the selection of subcomponents, which are among the highest quality on the market. Assembly and commissioning are carried out exclusively by highly experienced and well-trained specialists, so that a very high level of quality and reliability is achieved. All systems are produced and commissioned in our own ISO6 (ISO 14644-1) clean room in order to meet the highest cleanliness requirements of end customers.

The aim is to supply our customers and partners with reliable, high-quality systems that also offer excellent value for money. The high proportion of long-standing regular customers confirms our quality standards.

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