Home | Mitglieder | Informatics Systemhaus GmbH & Co. KG

Informatics Systemhaus GmbH & Co. KG

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Life science·Services


Management Consulting·Software·Technology Users





Löbtauer Str. 52
01159 Dresden
+49 351 4481-280

Contact Person

Kilian Ludwig Heine
+49 351 4481-2886

About this member

Working together to find the right solution with appreciation and consistency.

Our aim is to use our products and services to sustainably improve our customers' work processes and therefore also their profitability. We also want to be a reliable partner for our customers, partner companies and employees - as a solution provider, supporter and employer.

From experience.

Since the company was founded in 2001, the requirements for medical facilities and service providers have changed almost every year.
From the introduction of digital X-rays to the telematics infrastructure. We have been there and supported dozens of projects from a wide range of medical fields, both then and now. Our experience sets us apart.

Out of responsibility.

As a service provider in the healthcare sector, we feel jointly responsible for the smooth workflow in everyday practice.
A system failure can have far-reaching consequences - not only for the practice owner, but also for the patients, who in the worst case can only be treated partially or not at all. We recommend IT health care.

Out of conviction.

We stand behind our products and services and work every day to further improve our service.
In doing so, we focus on the current requirements and wishes of our customers. After a careful inventory and needs analysis, we advise them on the “can” and “must” and offer strategic solutions.

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