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Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH & Co. KG

Company type

Large companies (>250 employees or >50 million annual sales)

Target markets

Electronics·Energy·Infrastructure·Mobility·Water and Environment




Applications·BiCMOS·Chips·CMOS·Displays; MEMS/MOMS·eFlash·Electronic·Infineon Dresden·Infineon Technology·MEMS·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Photovoltaics·Power·power semiconductors·Rail / Automotive·RFCMOS·Semiconductor Industry·semiconductors·Sensors·Smart Systems



Königsbrücker Straße 180
01099 Dresden
0351 / 886 0

Contact Person

Nora Pluntke
+49 351 886 1100
Head of Site Communications Dresden
 Nora Pluntke

About this member

Infineon Dresden

High-tech with tradition

Infineon has around 58,600 employees from over 100 countries and is one of the world's leading companies in the semiconductor industry. The Infineon Dresden production site was founded in 1994 - at that time still as part of Siemens.

Today, Dresden is one of the most modern and largest locations for manufacturing, technology and product development - and now employs around 3,500 people. This makes Infineon Dresden one of the most important industrial employers in the region.

Innovative semiconductors

In addition to the chip production on 200mm silicon wafers, which has existed from the very beginning, Infineon commissioned the world's first high-volume factory for power semiconductors on 300mm wafers in Dresden in 2011. With this strategic decision, the Group secured the long-term future of the site. Since then, Infineon has invested over 700 million euros in this second production line.

Today, Infineon Dresden manufactures over 400 different products based on 200mm and 300mm wafers for all four business units of the Group - quickly and with the highest quality. Our products meet the highest security standards - particularly important for security and chip card products as well as automotive electronics.

Industry 4.0

A high degree of automation and networked value creation stages - this is what characterizes both production lines. Over the past few years, we have developed the 200mm line into the world's most highly automated factory. The 300mm line was set up as a fully automated production line right from the start. If you want to experience Industry 4.0 live, come to Infineon in Dresden.

Technology promotion

Infineon Dresden carries out research, development and innovation projects in future-oriented fields of technology, funded by the European Union, the Free State of Saxony, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK).

300 mm thin wafer

Moreover, the world’s first high volume production for power semiconductors on 300 mm wafers is currently ramped at Infineon Dresden. Power semiconductors control and convert electrical power ranging from just a few watts to multiple megawatts. Typical areas of application include the power supply of servers, notebooks, smartphones, tablets, consumer electronics and mobile communications infrastructure. In addition, power semiconductors are an important element in the electronic control of drive systems of all kinds. They are also a fundamental element of hybrid and electric vehicles.

A view into the clean room

Quality meets innovation

Infineon Dresden stands for first-class safety standards and highest quality through consistent implementation of the “Zero-Defect philosophy”, for excellent yields even in product launches and for fast cycle times. Infineon Dresden also stands for innovation. Innovation at Infineon Dresden is not only limited to technology innovation. Automation and innovative manufacturing concepts, business processes and maintenance concepts and equipment engineering are other areas of innovation we are working on.

Employees are our most important asset

We believe our employees are the most important asset for our sustained success. We have more than 2,000 employees, 50% of them are working in shifts.

Aeriel view of Infineon Dresden

Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH is with about 2,000 employees one of the largest production sites of the Infineon Technologies AG. Over three billion Euros have been invested since its foundation in 1994.

At Infineon Dresden you can find one of the most modern sites of semiconductor production worldwide: In our highly automated 200mm fab more than 200 different products are manufactured for the automotive industry as well as for security and chip card applications as well as power management and multimarket applications.

Infineon Dresden main building

Partner in Silicon Saxony

Infineon Dresden plays a significant role in the region’s economic development and wellbeing. We are an important and respected partner of the state of Saxony and the city of Dresden. As the initiator and founding member of the association Silicon Saxony, Infineon Dresden is an industry leader in the region.

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