Home | Mitglieder | iCADA GmbH


Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Logistics·Machinery and Equipment·Services




3rd party applications)·Automation·Computers·Custom / Individual software·Durable Management·ERP·Integration (Equipment·integration of databasa and application·IT Systems·IT-Automatisierung·Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)·Material Management·Process Integration·Reticle Management·Semiconductor Industry·Software·System Integration



Bahnhofstr. 63
67059 Ludwigshafen am Rhein
+49 621 5200793-0

Contact Person

Maik Adam
+49 621 5200793-0

About this member

We provide sophisticated and state of the art software and consulting services for our customers. Our software solutions for managing reticles and inspections are used worldwide and accompany reticles throughout their entire life cycle. In addition, iCADA's material management solutions help our customers increase performance, safety and efficiency in the manufacturing process and minimize the risk of misproduction and human error. This gives your company a significant competitive advantage in this highly capital intensive arena.

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