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HQ-Dielectrics GmbH

Company type

Target markets


Micro- / Nanoelektronics


Computers·Equipment·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Semiconductor Industry



Postfach 49
89156 Dornstadt

Contact Person

About this member

HQ-Dielectrics® is an independent German company with unique expertise in equipment engineering, manufacturing and technology development for the semiconductor production value chain. We supply solutions for front-end of line (FEoL) processing in thin film technologies and innovative process engineering.

HQ-Dielectrics® supports new and existing projects with its technology know-how and develops new manufacturing tools or parts for mass production and refurbishes or adapts automation solutions for existing production lines (150 mm and smaller, up to 300 mm and also 450 mm). This includes fab automation based on SEMI standards. HQ-D® is also partner in various EU funded projects for leading edge technology and semiconductor equipment assessment.

HQ-D® develops process technology to constantly improve the oxide reliability on Si and SiC substrates for high performance chips in the manufacturing production sequences. Basis for that is our industrial experience in semiconductor manufacturing value chain.

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