Home | Mitglieder | HighTech Startbahn GmbH

HighTech Startbahn GmbH

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Energy·Infrastructure·Life science·Logistics·Machinery and Equipment·Mobility·Public Sector·Water and Environment




Aerospace·Communication·Computers·Electronic·Environmental Technoloy·Equipment·Medical Technology / Pharma·Rail / Automotive·Semiconductor Industry·Special service



Tharandter Str. 31-33
01159 Dresden
+49 351 8518 6169

Contact Person

Bettina VoĂźberg

About this member

The HighTech Startbahn supports startups in the high-tech field during the difficult post-formation phase by actively providing and arranging contacts to mentors, investors, industry partners and service providers. Beside event formats, its focus is to offer high-tech companies the opportunities to exchange experience and foster a lively start-up community as well as coaching & consultancy, fundraising and company building of these high-tech companies. Investors and industry partners are supported with CVC and advisory services, scouting, screening and project development in portfolio building and innovation management.

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