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Gnewekow Consulting

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Life science·Logistics·Machinery and Equipment·Mobility·Public Sector


Management Consulting


Biotechnology·Communication·Computers·Consulting·Electronic·Equipment·Human Resource Managment·Medical Technology / Pharma·other·personal·Personal Agency·Personalmarketing·Personalstrategie für die Mitarbeiterbindung und für das Recruiting·Personnel Consulting·Photovoltaics·Rail / Automotive·Semiconductor Industry·Software·Special service



Blasewitzer StraĂźe 41
01307 Dresden
+49 172 6679545

Contact Person

About this member

Gnewekow Consulting is a management consultancy specializing in the core topics of personnel search, personnel selection and personnel development. The focus of our consulting activities is on the employees in the organization or company and their targeted, competence-based deployment.

Our approach is based on the fundamental assumption that a person's personal characteristics have a lasting impact on their professional activities and that employees and managers should therefore be deployed in their work context according to their personal strengths.

Based on this premise, Gnewekow Consulting offers its clients strategic personnel development from a single source, whereby we understand the entire process of personnel development: Starting with recruitment, through selection, talent management and management development to the area of career consulting.

The main guideline of our consulting mandate is represented by a strength-oriented approach that focuses on the potential of employees. In this way, Gnewekow Consulting aims to support its clients in ensuring that employees and managers are deployed according to their strengths and talents for targeted personnel development and long-term loyalty to a company.

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