Home | Mitglieder | GCW German Clean Water GmbH & Co. KG

GCW German Clean Water GmbH & Co. KG

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Life science·Machinery and Equipment·Mobility·Textile


Materials·Research & Development·Technology Users


Aerospace·Environment·Reneweable Energies



Blasewitzer StraĂźe 41
01307 Dresden
+49 171 1936 941

Contact Person

Wolfram R. Bauer

About this member

We produce water purification plants

We build modular container systems, each with a capacity of 1,200 mÂł / day. The water is purified and desalinated at premium quality with 95% resource utilization.

In addition: We develop special solutions in international teams for the topic Water for Life

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