Home | Mitglieder | Fraunhofer-Institut für Elektronenstrahl- und Plasmatechnik FEP

Fraunhofer-Institut für Elektronenstrahl- und Plasmatechnik FEP

Company type

Research institution

Target markets

Electronics·Food·Life science·Logistics·Machinery and Equipment·Mobility·Public Sector


Research & Development·Technology


Beschichtungen für flache und flexible Substrate·Biotechnology·Electronic·Elektronenstrahltechnologie·Environmental Technoloy·Equipment·Hochrate-PECVD·IC Design·Material Characterization·Medical Technology / Pharma·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Mikrodisplays für AR·OLED Mikrodisplays und Sensorik·optische Filter·organische und anorganische Sensoren·Photovoltaics·Pilotfertigung·Plasma Technology·Präzisionsbeschichtung·Research Institutes·Rolle-zu-Rolle Technologien·Semiconductor Industry·Sensors·Smart Systems·Sputterepitaxie·Sputtertechnologien·Surface Structuring·Technologien für organische Elektronik·VR·Wearables


About this member

The Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP in Dresden is dedicated to the development of innovative solutions, technologies and processes for surface finishing. This work is based on the core competencies of electron beam technology, plasma-assisted large-area and precision coating, roll-to-roll technologies and the development of key technological components. The Fraunhofer FEP thus offers a broad spectrum of research, development and pilot production possibilities, especially for the treatment, sterilization, structuring and refinement of surfaces, but also liquids and gases.

Core Competences of the FEP

  • Electron beam technology
  • Pulse magnetron sputtering
  • Plasma activation for high rate electron beam evaporation

Business fields

  • Coating of flat substrates with optical thin films
  • Coating of plastic web
  • Coating of metal plates and strips
  • Surface treatment with electron beams
  • Coating of tools and machine parts
  • Coating of elelctrical, optical and magnetic components

Profile of the Institute
The Fraunhofer-FEP is divided into the following three divisions:

  • Electron beam
  • Plasma
  • Systems/Model construction

It is the objective of the institute´s work to research into and develop new methods for the use of electron-beams of high power and dense plasmas in production processes for surface treatment. Special emphasis is given to practical issues such as process monitoring, quality management, reproducibility, up-scaling and efficiency. The institute has a long experience in the implementation of scientific findings in production processes. In addition to development services and feasibility studies it offers its customers, among other things, the combination of technological know-how and the corresponding key components as so-called “integrated packages”. The institute has some 3,250 sqm of technical facilites and numerous large plants.
FEP´s service

  • Applied fundamental research
  • Feasibility studies
  • Pre-production qualifications
  • Pilot production
  • Integrated packages for production
  • After sales service and on going process consulting

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