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Fraunhofer-Institut für Elektronische Nanosysteme ENAS

Company type

Research institution

Target markets

Electronics·Life science·Machinery and Equipment


Research & Development


Aerospace·Applications·Electronic·Energy Systems·Medical Technology / Pharma·MEMS·Micro Systems·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Nanotechnology·R&D Centres·Rail / Automotive·Research Institutes·Semiconductor Industry·Sensors·Smart Systems·System Reliability


About this member

The Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS is the expert and development partner in the field of Smart Systems and their integration for various applications. We offer innovative solutions and support customer projects along the whole value chain of smart systems.

Fraunhofer ENAS is a reliable innovation partner. The institute increasingly focuses on the setup of application demonstrators as part of an upstream product development.

We develop

  •  high-precision sensors,
  • new sensor and actuator systems based on integrated nanostructures and standard technologies,
  • beyond-CMOS devices,
  • innovative integration technologies,
  •  advanced reliability concepts

and complement them with innovative developments in the fields of simulation, data analysis by means of artificial intelligence and system security. By using requirement engineering, we adapt the systems for different applications and embed them into higher-level complex systems.

  • MEMS development and manufacturing based on pilot lines
  • Development of micro and nano technologies, optimization using digital twins
  • 3D-Integration, wafer level packaging as well as wafer bonding
  • Reliability concepts and live time prediction
  • Optical components (MOEMS)
  • High-precision inertial sensors
  • Diagnosis systems
  • Research and development services
  • Technology development
  • System integration concepts
  • Reliability assessments
  • Realisation of prototypes
  • Transfer to customer

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