Home | Mitglieder | docemos GmbH

docemos GmbH

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Infrastructure·Machinery and Equipment·Services


Architecture & engineering


Aufmaß-Management (en)·Facilities·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Planning·Projecting·Semiconductor Industry



Serkowitzer Str. 9a
01445 Radebeul
+49 (0)351 7951 04 -0

Contact Person

Carmen Mattukat
+49 (0)351 7951 04 -0

About this member

We are your engineering office for technical documentation.

We support plant engineers, plant and building operators and contractors with highly qualified services in all areas of technical documentation.

We work alongside projects, specialized, interdisciplinary and also as part of your project team. You can concentrate on your core tasks, while we provide you with targeted support.

We create technical documentation:

  • in plant engineering (e.g. for process supply systems in the semiconductor and solar industry, in the power plant sector, in the pharmaceutical industry)
  • in medical technology (e.g. for medical refrigeration systems)
  • in mechanical engineering (e.g. hydraulic systems or test benches)
  • for facility management (e.g. plant registers, operating documentation)

Our range of services also includes supporting conformity assessment procedures for industrial products and systems by:

  • carrying out the conformity assessment procedure together with your team
  • carrying out and preparing risk assessments and risk analyses
  • the creation of directive-compliant operating instructions
  • the creation and preparation of technical drawings (CAD services)
  • Checking the documents for compliance with the construction status

Or are you a plant operator or are you responsible for a property?

  • We check your as-built documentation for completeness and identify opportunities and risks!
  • We maintain and update your as-built documentation and assume responsibility with you (company archive, documentation center)!
  • We check the form and content of incoming technical documentation from your contractors and support you with conversions and extensions!
  • We specify, implement and maintain your document management solution: whether from a major provider or open source!

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