Home | Mitglieder | DERU Planungsgesellschaft für Energie-, Reinraum- und Umwelttechnik mbH

DERU Planungsgesellschaft für Energie-, Reinraum- und Umwelttechnik mbH

Company type

Medium-sized companies (<250 employees or <50 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Life science·Machinery and Equipment·Public Sector


Architecture & engineering


Aerospace·Biotechnology·Clean room·Clean room planning·Cleanroom planning·Electronic·Energy technology·Engineering·Environmental technology·Environmental Technoloy·Equipment·GMP qualification·GMP-Qualifizierung·Hook-up·Lab design·Laboratory planning·Medical Technology / Pharma·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·other·Photovoltaics·Planning·Power Engineering·Project·Project management·Semiconductor Industry·Supply and disposal technology·Technical building services·Umwelttechnik



Hermann-Reichelt-Straße 3a
01109 Dresden
0351 88446-0

Contact Person

Lutz Kraemer
0351 88446-0

About this member

DERU Planungsgesellschaft für Energie-, Reinraum- und Umwelttechnik mbH designs and plans cleanrooms, special laboratories and production facilities to meet the highest requirements. For over 30 years, high-tech companies and research institutes have relied on the expertise of DERU's 60 employees.

DERU is one of Germany's leading planning offices for complex cleanroom and laboratory projects. The service portfolio includes the design of technical building equipment as well as the planning of media supply, advice on GMP qualification issues and comprehensive project management.

Together with the client companies, the DERU specialists develop sustainable solutions that can be flexibly adapted to changing conditions as required - regardless of whether it is a small research laboratory or a large-scale production facility.

company profile

DERU Planungsgesellschaft für Energie-, Reinraum- und Umwelttechnik mbH designs and plans clean rooms, special laboratories as well as production facilities for highest demands. For more than 30 years now, high-tech industries and research institutions have relied on the competence of the DERU staff.

DERU represents one of the leading planning offices for complex clean room and lab projects nation-wide.
The conception of the technical building services as well as the planning of the media supply, consulting service with regard to GMP qualification issues or an integral project management represent core factors of its service portfolio.

Complete clean room planning for research and production facilities in any required protection and cleanliness classes.

In close cooperation with their clients, the DERU experts develop future-oriented solutions, which may be adapted to modified frame conditions if needed, no matter if it is a small research lab or an extensive production plant.

Design of optimal work environments for high-tech enterprises with superior quality standards.


  • QM according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
  • Certified “specialised company for fire alarm systems” according to DIN 14675:2012-04

DERU managing director graduate engineer Bodo Mücke is expert for sustainable building and certified to hand in building certifications complying to BNB to the Steinbeis-Transfer-Institute Bau- und Immobilienwirtschaft for conformity checks.

Perfectly designed workrooms for science and industry by highly sophisticated building design, media and facility planning.

DERU was founded by the graduate engineer Günter Mücke in Dresden in 1992. The company gathered first experience in the project planning of microelectronic production facilities and of high-tech clean rooms in particular.

Having grown into an engineering office with about 60 staff, DERU is the ideal partner for medium-sized and large-sized enterprises as well as the perfect consultant for small-sized companies and new establishments.

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