Home | Mitglieder | BUSCH Microsystems GmbH

BUSCH Microsystems GmbH

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Machinery and Equipment


Machinery & Equipment·Production·Technology


Automotive Industry·Electronics·Granite Assemblies·High Precision Motion & Positioning Systems·Lasers·Medical Technology·Positioning·semiconductors·Special Purpose Machinery



An der Altnah 34
55450 Langenlonsheim
+49 671 201331 22

Contact Person

Nicola Baumdicker-Busch
+49 (0)671/201331-11
 Nicola Baumdicker-Busch

About this member


Founded in 1999 as an engineering office by Winfried Busch, BUSCH Microsystems has developed into an internationally active development and production company for high-precision machine components and positioning systems. Our systems are successfully used in numerous high-tech industries. These include, but are not limited to:

Semiconductor Industry / Electronics Production

Laser processing

Optical Industry

Additive Manufacturing


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The core competence of BUSCH Microsystems lies in the development, design and assembly of customer-specific positioning systems. In doing so, we attach great importance to optimum precision and system accuracy. Our engineers and technicians develop ready-to-install and ready-to-connect systems that impress with their compact design, optimum precision and fast positioning. Thanks to their high rigidity and low inertia, our systems achieve high accelerations with low yaw, pitch and roll errors.

High-precision gantry systems, XY, linear and lift tables, e.g. made of granite or CFRP; mechanical or air-bearing systems; with or without control – BUSCH Microsystems will find the optimal solution for you!


Our hybrid systems for maximum precision and the highest demands on dynamics: Granite is our basis, and in return, highly dynamically stressed assemblies made of CFC are realized.


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Experience our systems in motion.

Hybrid systems
  • With or without aperture
  • Excellent trajectory accuracy
  • Optimized process areas

Gantry Variants

The tailor-made solution for your application.

Beam construction

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