Home | Mitglieder | bmbg consult Dr. Jan Hendrik Peters

bmbg consult Dr. Jan Hendrik Peters

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets



Management Consulting·Technology


Consulting·Consulting & Training·Equipment·Mask Manufacturing·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Semiconductor Industry



Eduard-Bilz-Str. 19
01445 Radebeul
+49 351 8956 256

Contact Person

Dr. Jan Hendrik Peters
+49 351 8956 256

About this member

With its rich background of experience, bmbg consult specializes in creating the link between the technical know-how of mask and semiconductor industry processes and equipment and the resulting market-specific requirements as well as the necessary corporate structures and strategies. Based on the EFQM excellence model, consulting, training and consulting services are tailored to the specific needs of each company.

  • Advice on strategy development and corporate management
  • Advice and training on sustainability issues
  • Support in applying for funding from the SAB for consulting/coaching for SMEs in accordance with the SME guideline
  • Training on the EFQM model and coaching in the use of EFQM as a management tool for balanced corporate development
  • Preparation and implementation of EFQM assessments
  • Mediation of worldwide network contacts in the semiconductor industry

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