Home | Mitglieder | ATH Barth GmbH

ATH Barth GmbH

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Machinery and Equipment·Mobility


Machinery & Equipment·Production·Technology·Upstream Industry


Automotive·Ecology & Energy Transition·Equipment·pha·Semiconductor



Am Hopfenfeld 2
01239 Dresden
+49 351 88934 100

Contact Person

About this member

ATH Barth GmbH is your competent partner for standard parts, special parts and drawing parts

Our spectrum ranges from fasteners and fastening technology to occupational safety, tools, special parts and materials.

In cooperation with our efficient partners, as well as committed and competent employees, we are able to offer you an outstanding service with a maximum variety of articles and high delivery flexibility with above-average quality awareness.

Our customer base, which covers the whole of Germany and parts of Europe, includes high-tech industry, mechanical and apparatus engineering, environmental technology, universities and research institutes, as well as a constantly growing number of craft businesses and small companies.

We see ourselves not only as your supplier, but also as a partner who works with you to ensure your company's security of supply - not only as a supplier of screws and C-parts, but also as a system provider.

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