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AMA Verband für Sensorik und Messtechnik e. V.

Company type

Public authority

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Sophie-Charlotten-Str. 15
14059 Berlin
+49 30 2219 0362-0

Contact Person

Antje Bynoe
+49 30 2219 0362-0
Office Manager

About this member

Key technology sensors and measurement technology

Electromobility, Industry 4.0, Mars exploration or assistance systems in cars: sensors and measurement technology are the key technologies of modern engineering.

The AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement unites all those involved in sensors and measurement technology for physical, chemical, climatic or other measurands. Founded in 1981 as 'Arbeitsgemeinschaft Messwertaufnehmer e. V. ', the association today builds on the technical expertise of around 450 member companies and institutes in the industry. AMA represents the interests of its members in the economic policy environment.

Connecting innovators

AMA connects innovators from research, development, production and distribution with representatives from a wide range of user industries. AMA offers industry and science a competent network and a broad platform to jointly develop innovative solutions.

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