Home | Mitglieder | ALLRESIST GmbH


Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Life science


Micro- / Nanoelektronics


CAR 44·E-Beamresist·E-Beamresists·Electronic·Fotoresist·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·microsystems technology·Photoresist·Process Material·Semiconductor Industry·Sonderanfertigungen·Special service·ZEP-Resist



Am Biotop 14
15344 Strausberg
+49 (3341) 3593 - 0

Contact Person

Brigitte Schirmer
03341 3593 0

About this member

We develop, produce and distribute resists for optical and electron beam lithography as well as the associated process chemicals for the manufacture of electronic components. Our unique selling point is the development of resists according to customer requirements. With a high level of expertise and great flexibility, we are able to produce cost-effective, technology-adapted resists in a short space of time.

10-nm-structure, created with an E-Beamresist SX AR-P 6200/2 (CSAR 62)
  • Development, production and marketing of Resists for photo – and electron – lithography including corresponding process – chemicals
  • Manufacture of small quantities up to the production of large charges
  • Special preparation according to customer’s request with competent consultation
  • Processing of numerous research and development subjects and preparation of experimental samples

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