Home | Mitglieder | AICELLO-HARKE GmbH


Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Energy·Public Sector·Water and Environment


Materials·Upstream Industry





Xantener StraĂźe 1
45479 MĂĽlheim an der Ruhr

Contact Person

Mr. Niko Tziafetas
+49 (0) 176 13069 097

About this member

The HARKE GROUP is a high-performance chemical and plastics distributor with a strong presence in Europe and Asia.

#ConnectingWorldMarkts has been our motto for more than 50 years, on four continents, in more than 50 countries and for more than 30 industries, through our qualified technical sales, formulation and logistics experts in 16 subsidiaries.

We have a proven track record of successfully developing sales and procurement markets! Active in 8 divisions and 25 business units, supported by 15 service functions, with 3 laboratories, 2 contract packaging sites and more than 40,000 deliveries per year, HARKE is an attractive partner.

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