Home | Mitglieder | AGC Electronics America – German Office​

AGC Electronics America – German Office​

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets



Materials·Production·Technology·Technology Users





Wilhelm-Maigatter-Weg 1
85221 Dachau
+49 8131 29 70 58

Contact Person

About this member

AGC Electronics America

Headquartered in Hillsboro Oregon USA, AGC Electronics America (AGCEA) is a division of AGC Flat Glass North America, Inc. A number of our original employees remain with us since its founding in 1997.

What We Do

AGCEA manufactures materials for the Semiconductor industry, namely high-purity Silicon Carbide (SiC) Ceramics and CMP Slurries, and we also serve as a distributor for other AGC Electronics Materials manufactured in Japan and elsewhere.

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