
Jenoptik: More high-tech in Silicon Saxony

September 4, 2023: Jenoptik invests more than 70 million euros in a new and modern production facility for micro-optics and sensors at Airportpark Dresden. After the groundbreaking ceremony together with Saxony’s Prime Minister Michael Kretschmar and Mayor Stephan Kühn on September 6, 2022, the topping-out ceremony is now imminent.

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Construction progress Jenoptik Hightech-Fab Dresden

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Silicon Saxony

Marketing, Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Manfred-von-Ardenne-Ring 20 F

Telefon: +49 351 8925 886

Fax: +49 351 8925 889


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Over 1850 tons of steel and 13,500 cubic meters of concrete have already been processed in the reinforced concrete shell, and in the end the new high-tech fab will have a total of 11,000 square meters of net floor space, 2,000 square meters of which will be used for cleanroom production. High environmental standards will be taken into account, as Jenoptik aims to meet the currently most comprehensive and stringent building criteria in terms of sustainability with the “KfW 40 Standard” and the “LEED Gold Standard Certification”. To achieve this, comprehensive environmentally friendly measures are planned, such as a photovoltaic system, recycled materials during construction, a highly efficient building envelope including greening, cold and heat recovery, and intelligent control technology. The new high-tech fab will manufacture micro-optics and sensors, which are mainly used in semiconductor lithography systems. Production takes place in the two cleanroom classes ISO 5 and 3, which also meet the highest requirements for freedom from vibration and temperature constancy. Comprehensive vibration monitoring is also in place during the construction of the fab so as not to disrupt the production processes of neighboring companies in the industrial park.

The start of production is planned for 2025 and thus also the manufacturing in Dresden, which has so far been distributed over several smaller external locations, will be bundled. Jenoptik has already been active here since 2007 and employs around 60 employees*. The new fab will also create 60 additional high-quality jobs.

More information and updates can be found on our high-tech fab.


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Contact info

Silicon Saxony

Marketing, Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Manfred-von-Ardenne-Ring 20 F

Telefon: +49 351 8925 886

Fax: +49 351 8925 889


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