
Infineon: European research project on Industry 5.0 for more sustainability and resilience of European manufacturing

Infineon Technologies AG is taking over the management and coordination of the broad-based European research project AIMS5.0 (“Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing leading to Sustainability and Industry 5.0”). With the help of hardware and software-based artificial intelligence, the aim is to improve resource consumption in manufacturing and at the same time increase product quality. The aim is also to improve resilience, supply chain optimization and time-to-market in order to strengthen Europe’s international competitiveness.

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With a budget of around 70 million euros, AIMS5.0 is one of the major European research projects. It is funded under the European Union’s Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking (KDT JU) program. 53 research and industrial partners from twelve countries are involved.

“Modern production processes in the sense of Industry 5.0 involve people, the environment and the entire supply chain. The AIMS5.0 research project aims to achieve comprehensive improvements in all these aspects through the increased use of Artificial Intelligence, thereby increasing the sustainability, resilience and competitiveness of European manufacturing,” said Rutger Wijburg, Chief Operating Officer of Infineon. “At Infineon, we are committed to driving decarbonization and digitalization. That’s why we are happy to take the lead in the AIMS5.0 research project, with which we want to advance Industry 5.0 in association with excellent partners in Europe.”

The AIMS5.0 project consortium represents the entire chain of producers, suppliers, specialists, research institutes and universities. In different working groups, they are working on 20 use cases from nine industries, the results of which will be shared on an interdisciplinary basis. Here, the aim is to develop a language model that makes a wide variety of data understandable to humans and computers in order to better analyze and predict supply chains. Another case involves an interface between the human brain and the computer based on electroencephalography (EEG, measurement of brain waves). This is to be used, for example, to control an exoskeleton as an electromechanical support for people in production operations. A third use case is developing machine learning tool MLOPs for the use of artificial intelligence in semiconductor production.

Overall, AIMS5.0 is the first to take a common approach to the application of AI and AI-based hardware across a wide range of industries. With this overarching claim, the project is in the tradition of its predecessor project Productive4.0, also initiated by Infineon, which paved the way for the digital transformation of European industry as an award-winning and largest European lighthouse project.

Over the course of three years, the AIMS5.0 research project will explore crucial foundations for the next step in the digital transformation of European industry. The kick-off event and thus the official start will take place on May 23, 2023, at Infineon’s Villach site.

The 53 partners of the AIMS5.0 research project:

AI Dig+ Solutions GmbH (DE), AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AT), AITIA International Inc. (HU), Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (DE), Budapest University of Technology and Economics (HU), Cetto GmbH (DE), CISC Semiconductor GmbH (AT), DAC Spolka Akcyjna (PL), Elektronikas un datorzinatnu instituts (LV), Fabmatics GmbH (DE), FernUniversität in Hagen (DE), Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e. V. (DE), Gdansk University of Technology (PL), Goimek S.Coop (ES), Harokopio University (EL), Hochschule Stralsund (DE), Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz (DE), Husqvarna AB (SE), Ibermatica S.A (ES), Ideko S.COOP. (ES), Idryma Technologias Kai Erevnas (EL), Infineon Technologies AG (DE), Infineon Technologies Austria AG (AT), Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH & Co. KG (DE), Institut fĂĽr Integrierte Produktion Hannover gemeinnĂĽtzige GmbH (DE), KAI – Kompetenzzentrum Automobil- und Industrieelektronik GmbH (AT), Lfoundry (IT), LuleĂĄ University of Technology (SE), NXP Semiconductors Netherlands BV (NL), Pfeiffer Vacuum SAS (FR), Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV (NL), PhytonIQ Technology (AT), Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (AT), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (NL), SAVVY Data Systems S.L. (ES), Semaku BV (NL), Signify Netherlands BV (NL), Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (SE), SmartUniversal (TR), Soraluce S. Coop (ES), Statwolf Data Science (IT), Stream Analyze (SE), SYSTEMA Systementwicklung Dipl.-Inf. Manfred Austen GmbH (DE), Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE), Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (NL), Thales Research and Technology (FR), TTTech Industrial Automation AG (AT), Tubitak Bilgem AI Institute (TR), Universität zu LĂĽbeck (DE), Universidad PolitĂ©cnica de Madrid (ES), UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Padova (IT), Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH (AT), Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (AT).

About Infineon.

Infineon Technologies AG is a leading global provider of semiconductor solutions for power systems and the Internet of Things (IoT). With its products and solutions, Infineon is driving decarbonization and digitalization. The company has around 56,200 employees worldwide and generated revenues of around 14.2 billion euros in the 2022 fiscal year (ending September).

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Silicon Saxony

Marketing, Kommunikation und Ă–ffentlichkeitsarbeit

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