
HTW Dresden: Professor Ingo Gestring elected Rector of the Dresden University of Applied Sciences

On April 30, 2024. The Extended Senate elected Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo Gestring as Rector of the Dresden University of Applied Sciences (HTWD). The election was based on a nomination made by a selection committee consisting of three members of the University Council and three members of the Senate. The three candidates presented themselves in a public university hearing on April 23.

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Professor Ingo Gestring has more than 20 years of leadership experience in university management and business. He held leading positions in the automotive industry for several years, most recently as head of department at Volkswagen Automobilmanufaktur Dresden. He studied mechanical engineering at the University of Hanover until 1998, where he received his doctorate in 2002. In 2009, the mechanical engineer was appointed Professor of Materials Management and Production Logistics at HTWD. From 2015 to 2021, he was Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics. In 2022, the professor received the HTWD’s “Prize for Good Teaching”. Ingo Gestring is very well networked both in Saxony and Germany as well as internationally.

“The university must be ready for the future through practical relevance, interdisciplinary cooperation and innovative capacity,” is how the future rector summarizes his mission for the HTWD. In future, the university should have an even more formative impact on society as a source of inspiration and ideas and be a reliable partner for business, especially SMEs. In addition to strong applied research, these factors are essential prerequisites for shaping teaching for the future, emphasizes Gestring. He considers a strong university community to be a basis for the university’s success, which must be promoted.

Professor Ingo Gestring succeeds Professor Katrin Salchert, who has headed the university since 2020. The new Rector’s term of office will begin on April 1, 2025 with the appointment by the Saxon State Ministry of Science and the Arts (SMWK) and will last five years.

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Further links

👉 www.htw-dresden.de 

Photo: HTWD / Roland Stenzel

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