
Fraunhofer IPMS and IZM: Topping-out ceremony for the Center for Advanced CMOS and Heterointegration Saxony

February 8, 2024. The Center for Advanced CMOS and Heterointegration Saxony (CEASAX for short) celebrates the topping-out ceremony of its new office building. CEASAX is a beacon of semiconductor research and is based on the bundling of the expertise of Fraunhofer IPMS and Fraunhofer IZM-ASSID. The institutes offer the complete value chain in 300 mm microelectronics and thus the prerequisite for high-tech research for future technologies in the state of Saxony.

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Clean room of the Center for Advanced CMOS & Heterointegration Saxony. Photo: Fraunhofer IPMS

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The event began with a warm welcome from the institute directors of Fraunhofer IPMS, Prof. Dr. Harald Schenk and Prof. Dr. Hubert Lakner. The site manager of Fraunhofer IZM-ASSID, Dr. Manuela Junghähnel, was also present and sees the strengthening of joint Fraunhofer expertise in the shared building as a great opportunity for the further development of 300 mm wafer technologies. Lakner emphasizes the importance of the expansion for Saxony as a technology location: “CEASAX brings together the strengths of the only two German research centers for applied microelectronics research based on the 300 mm wafer industry standard. In the context of the European Chips Act, these strengths are more important than ever. The new building gives us space for outstanding microelectronics research, both literally and figuratively.”

Minister President Michael Kretschmer emphasized: “The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is an important part of Saxony’s research landscape. The Center Nanoelectronic Technologies in particular stands for creativity, new ideas and collaboration. It is good that the two institutes IPMS and IZM-ASSID, which have unique expertise in the field of 300 mm wafers to industrial standards in the national research landscape, are creating a joint space for research here. The work carried out here will help to launch and successfully advance many other projects here in Silicon Saxony. In this way, we will strengthen Saxony’s research in the long term, but also our economy as a whole. It is precisely for these reasons that the Free State of Saxony is supporting this important project.”

Science Minister Sebastian Gemkow added: “This new building and the support provided by the Free State of Saxony for forward-looking research topics such as microelectronics work closely together when it comes to driving development in the region. Further developing scientific excellence and at the same time keeping a close eye on the transfer of results into practice is a central concern for us. This requires space and communication. The new building here at the site will stand for both.”

The speeches were followed by the traditional topping-out ceremony, which symbolically celebrated the successful progress of the construction work.

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Further links

👉 www.ipms.fraunhofer.de
👉 www.izm.fraunhofer.de  

Photo: Fraunhofer IPMS

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Silicon Saxony

Marketing, Kommunikation und Ă–ffentlichkeitsarbeit

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